Tuesday, September 9, 2008

...when lightning strikes again

Hmm... It's raining once again. Why does it have to be at night? It would've been better if it's daytime. I'd simply listen to the raindrops as they drip on the roof while I get a view of my teachers opening and closing their mouths. Or see them trickle on the leaves... (emo?!?!)

I can't believe I slept a few minutes during Bio. Maybe there's just too much carbon dioxide inside the room which caused my sleepiness during that time. (Dang! Did I hear those Bio facts while sleeping?) The only time I remember myself sleeping was last year during Art 2. (Duh! Who wouldn't be? With the lights out and and the air conditioner switched, Art room was definitely a very conducive place for sleeping.) So anyway, yeah. I find myself waking up dazed while Sir Chuckie was talking about some parabronchi (?) stuff.

Need I say, someone in class really is testing my patience ability. And slowly, day by day, I'm beginning to lose a bit and piece of what holds me back from getting mad. No need to elaborate on details, they're pretty much ANNOYING to recall. All I can say is that I super hate that guy right now. I would want to shout at him but I always end up thinking that I might start a fight. Damn it!

Good thing my friends were there to share some laughter with (Aww!) Those sessions as we often 'it' are actually stress-relieving. Come to think of it, it's a good exercise for the body as well as for strategizing. Hahah!

Aagh! Still have to do some stuff but I'm getting sleepy once again.

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